Thursday, December 5, 2013

How to Win at Roulette

Roulette is one of the most popular games in casinos. It doesn't matter whether the casino operates online or offline, people play this game in droves. Whether you had some experience playing the game or you are a total beginner, below are a few tips on how to win at roulette. Take note of them, digest them, and most important of all, follow and apply them.
1) Learn every bit of information that you can about the game of roulette before you begin playing it. How does the game work? What are the rules? Just diving in and playing without any prior information as to how the game works would be suicide. There are a lot of ways you can learn the basics of roulette. If you have a friend who is experienced playing it then by all means get his help. If not, there are countless books out there dedicated to the game. And yes of course, don't forget to use the search engines. Google, Yahoo, Bing, it's your choice.
2) On your first foray into the casino, it's best that you take someone with you, someone who is experienced and well-informed in playing roulette. He will be your mentor, sort of, as you familiarize yourself with the game. It's always better to start off this way.
3) Stick to a betting strategy. Whether the strategy is something you developed yourself or one that was shared to you by a friend, try to hold on to it for as long as you can. If it's a strategy that made other people win at roulette, then you can use it to win yourself. Many bettors give up on a strategy when they lose on their initial bets using it. This is a mistake. You should give the strategy enough time to work. Strategies don't guarantee that you win all the time, they merely increase your odds of winning. The clearer you understand this, the better off you will be.
4) Invest in a well-proven, trusted and tested roulette betting system. There are hundreds of betting systems being hawked out there. They can be in the form of ebooks, videos, software, or computer programs. Some of them are legit and some are just scams. So be very careful when picking a system. Use forums and blogs to check out reviews about a specific system. If the reviews are good, then it's probably worth your time and money. If reviews are bad, then stay away from it.
5) Know when to quit. Often, in order to win at roulette, you have to learn to stop betting and call it a day. Let's say you've been in the casino for a few hours and you've been on a roll. You were able to gain a few thousand dollars in profit. This is where the art of quitting comes in. Quit and leave the table before you start losing what you already earned. Being greedy can earn you more but more often than not, it takes away your winnings or worse turn the table against you and make you lose.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Free Online Roulette Robot - The Benefits of Gambling Software

Gambling and sports betting has become one of most lucrative activities in the world. This is mainly due to the fact that bettors can potentially win a large amount of money and professional bettors consider this a business and derives their sole income from it. The potential for success is definitely there, but how can you ensure that you will make a profit when betting on sports games or gambling on games such as roulette?
The answer is quite simple; most successful bettors use sports betting software. They have a very high accuracy rate (up to 97%) and they are available to anyone. When it comes to playing roulette, many people will see winning as simply a wave of "good luck" or "gut feelings". In fact, these calculations are based on complex mathematical facts and a lot of statistical data. Using these gambling software systems can significantly increase your chances of winning and they are becoming increasingly popular.
Experienced bettors that have done a lot of research and formulated a winning strategy have developed many popular programs such as the Online Roulette Robot System; subsequently these systems have been developed to provide the bettor with maximum effectiveness and winning strategies. These systems incorporate a lot of data when calculating the most likely winning combination and they have proven to be very effective indeed. These systems have been so successful that many bettors have turned it into a business for themselves, deriving their sole income from it.
When it comes to betting, many people make the mistake of betting with their emotions or on the recommendation of a friend. Winning these games, especially casino games such as roulette, is not based purely on luck or favourites; rather on scientific methods and calculated suggestions. This is why many professionals use these software; they provide you with the most likely winning combination that is accurate almost 9 out of every 10 times. This is a huge advantage for any user and can potentially mean a lot of money in your pocket. That is why it is so essential to follow a proven source for information and betting strategies.
Although no one can predict the outcome of any game, it is definitely worthwhile to use a reliable betting system; with an accuracy rate of more than 90%, you definitely stand a much better chance of winning than relying on luck alone.                                                                                                        The Free Online Roulette Robot Version permit you to win money and see how our software is powerfull!
  • 500 turns /minutes
  • Choice of the initial bet
  • Plays on:
    • Black/Red Odd/Even 1-18/19-36 Dozens Columns
  • Works on Only 1 Online Casino
  • Illimited Winnings

Roulette System-5 Line Eliminator

The 5 Line Eliminator Roulette System is a simple progression system with a different twist. Instead of playing an even money bet like you would with the Martingale System the 5 Line Eliminator has you placing bets on double street bets.

To start this system place a single betting unit on each of the 6 lines or double streets. 1-6, 7-12, 13-18, 19-24, 25-30, and 31-36. After each spin you will have either won or lost. If you win removed to double street that won. If you lost add a single betting unit to all remaining wagers. You will continue to remove a double street after each win until you are left with a single double street wager remaining. At this point you will want to clear your bets and start over again wagering on the double streets. However this time do not place a wager on the double street that was the last one remaining in the previous session. This means that instead of the 6 wagers you had i the first session you will have five wagers. Removing winning double street wagers and adding units on losing spins remains the same.

That is the 5 Line Eliminator Roulette Strategy. Another easily learned and simple to use Roulette Strategy.