Online roulette is completely random, so please don't waste your money on no good roulette systems. It's true, thousands of people are spending thousands of dollars and pounds on casino systems that hold false promise.
I'm going to share with you the two best winning tips for any roulette player, more importantly this information is free. I was always suspicious about a roulette system online costing around $500 because why would the finder share this information, when the information is worth many tens of thousands. It's nothing to do with system, it's all about false promise.The two best tips that any player can learn is the ten percent betting method and the bet placement lesson. This information is not top secret, it's simply very smart and calculated.
Online roulette games and casinos rely on the weakness of the player and the emotional connections with the gambler. If you're to become a winning roulette player, then you must change the way you think and play the game. You see the game of roulette never changes, so the only thing that can is the player. Lets learn the two best tips for playing winning roulette.
Firstly you must now get used to playing with ten percent, that's right, ten percent is crucial. This means that you play roulette with ten percent of your total bankroll and that you bet with ten percent on each spin of what you take into the game.
Here is an example, you have a $500 bankroll so you play with no more than $50 in any one game. This also means that you never spend more than $5 on any one spin. This ten percent method is a very effective and powerful solution that can be used in casino cash management.
Secondly you must learn about bet placement, or in other words your last bet determines your next bet. It is very important that you develop certain skills as an online roulette player, bet placement is one of them. It's also my second important tip, something that you will learn to love.
Betting on a roulette table is not difficult, but keeping track of those bets can be tough. Start writing down your bets, results and winning values. You'll begin spotting certain patterns and your much less likely to repeat mistakes.
Bet placement is simply monitoring every thing you do whilst you play roulette, add this to the ten percent rule and you have a very effective winning combination.